
Returning Defenseman Games Played

Excellence on the blueline often fails to correlate with any statistical indicator, so by tabulating games played we�re deferring to the coach�s judgment. Injuries and such tend to subvert this system, but, hey, give us a break....

RetD, the percentage of games played by defensemen last season for returning players divided by those of all defensemen, is our best guess for a defensive indicator:

Team      	Ret  	All  	RetD  

RPI		207	207	1.000
Yale		163	180	 .906
Brown		144	173	 .832
Clarkson	178	223	 .798
Princeton	149	203	 .734
Harvard		142	205	 .693
Dartmouth	 99	154	 .643
Colgate		118	214	 .551
Cornell		118	220	 .536
St. Lawrence	112	215	 .521
Union		 85	207	 .411
Vermont		 72	216	 .333